Dr. Ann’s Blog #2 “K Ken Yabusaki, Ph.D, Author)

Oct 10, 2020 | Stories, x-post-before-new-layout

FASDs: An issue of Responsibility


Ken Yabusaki, Ph.D is our FASD Blog author this month.


Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) is a permanent brain condition inflicted when a fetus is exposed to alcohol during pregnancy. In the U.S., an alarming statistic is one in every twenty first grade children have an FASD (conservative estimate).

Sometimes, the easiest solutions are the most difficult to implement. For example, “If you drink, don’t drive.” And “If you’re going to have unprotected sex or are pregnant, don’t drink.”

With a 50% unintended pregnancy rate and binge drinking on the rise the numbers of those with FASD will undoubtably increase. The alcoholic beverage industry contributes over a $trillion to our economy annually. It took nearly 50 years to place a warning (in very small print) on alcoholic beverages. Should not the alcoholic beverage industry help create more awareness about the dangers of drinking while pregnant or for women intending to conceive?

We cannot prevent our society from producing individuals with FASDs. But we can decrease the number of individuals with FASD through awareness, education, and advocacy. An individual with FASD is born into an impossible world. Thus, it is our responsibility as a society where drinking is a living issue to make the world possible for them.

The Hawaii FASD Action Group continues to meet the challenges for those afflicted by FASDs. Please visit: www.Hawaiifasd.org to learn about and join our efforts towards making a “Possible World” for those with FASDs.

We may not have all the answers, but together we can create solutions!

There is hope.

Visit our website for more information and resources.  https://fasdhawaii.org/



Support our FASD Awareness Campaign and Research Project

Donate: https://fasdhawaii.org/donation/

For more about Dr. Ann Yabusaki, please review her bio on our website https://fasdhawaii.org/about/